Analysis on thermal performance for increasing energy effiency: A case study for Tripoli-Libya, using Ecotect®
Recently, the signifiant increase in energy consumption to provide thermal comfort in Libyan buildings, has increased the dependence on mechanical systems and non-renewable resources. Threfore, there have been effrts, particularly by the governmental authorities, to search for solutions to improve buildings in terms of their thermal performances, in order to reduce high energy consumptions. Th aim of this research is to analyze and determine certain passive design strategies for residential buildings in Tripoli-Libya, by using the analysis program Autodesk Ecotect®, to reduce energy consumptions and provide thermal comfort. By the use of this program, issues such as; best possible orientation, loads of heating and cooling, thermal mass, along with the direct effcts of building materials and the importance of window sizes on thermal comfort were analyzed, based on the designed typical Libyan residential building model.
The results of the study were analyzed and guidelines were developed to enhance the energy performance of residential buildings in Libya. Th fidings of this study show that the proper orientation of the building and effctive use of insulation materials can provide a 60% increase in thermal performance. Moreover, the results of evaluation on thermal comfort level by using the PMV method showed that, together with the necessary adjustments, the building would provide thermal comfort for its users.
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