Methods for Improving the Absorptive Capacity of Solar Stills:
A Review of Current Technology
Solar Desalination, Solar Still, Absorption, Evaporation, Condensation Processes.Abstract
Solar still owns low distillate productivity. Many researchers enhanced the performance of solar still by variable the design of its components. The combination of internal/external reflectors, absorber materials (fins, sponge, pebbles), and external condensers had a substantial impact on the absorption, evaporation, and condensation processes of the classic basin type solar still. This paper is showing how existing methods for increasing solar still absorption, evaporation, and condensation may be used to improve solar still absorption, evaporation, and condensation. From this review, it is found that for solar still, that adjusting the internal/external reflectors might increase daily distillate yield by 70% to 100%. Added Absorbent materials improve the thermal performance of a still by increasing production by over 20%. In addition, the external condensers enhanced still freshwater yield by 62% more than the regular still.
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