Aerodynamics Analysis of a Slotted A4412 Wind Turbine Airfoil Using CFD / Case Two
CFD, NACA4412, wind velocity, wind turbine, performance improvement, Aerodynamic optimization, Ansys-Fluent, k-ε modelAbstract
The static pressure, dynamic pressure and velocity magnitude are important parameters and have a strong inflence on airfoil lif force. In this paper a slotted NACA4412 airfoil profie is considered for analysis by using the commercial code ANSYS-FLUENT 14.5® at an inlet boundary condition of diffrent approaching wind velocities for various airfoil angles of attack in the range 0˚to 24˚. Renormalized group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model with enhanced wall function is used for the analysis due its’ wide usage in
the aerodynamic industry. Variations of the physical properties like static pressure, dynamic pressure and velocity magnitude are plotted in form of contours and/or vectors. Th main aim of the research is to fid out a method to enhance the effiency of the selected airfoil and its’ workability in a wide range of low and high wind speeds which might make it suitable for installation and operation in diffrent climates.
This feasibility of enhancing the lift is and/or minimizing the drag is done by CFD on a series of independently modifid NACA4412 airfoils. Th current one is called Case 2. Th analysis output of Case 2 is not encouraging. It does not show any improvement in NACA4412 airfoil effiency and therefore it is classifid as (obsolete).
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