Assessment of Wind Energy Potential In Zwara, Libya
Weibull distribution, most probable wind speed, wind rose, hub height, capacity factor, wind power classifiation, mean net energy outputAbstract
To assess the wind energy potential at any site, the wind power density should be estimated; it evaluates the wind resource and indicates the amount of available wind energy. The purpose of this study is to estimate the monthly and annual wind power density based on the Weibull distribution using wind speed data collected in Zwara, Libya during 2007. The wind date are measured at the three hub heights of 10m, 30m, and 50m above ground level, and recorded every 10 minutes. The analysis showed that the annual average wind speed are 4.51, 5.86, 6.26 m/s for the respective mentioned heights. The average annual wind power densities at the mentioned heights were 113.71, 204.19, 243.48 , respectively.
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