Simulation of Th Effct of Libyan Sand on Th Reflctance Surface of CSP
sand storm, Libyan sand, specular reflctance, damaged surfaces, reflctors, solar panels, CSPAbstract
The reflctor characteristics are negatively affcted by the harsh desert weather conditions and hence the performance of the system decreases. Ths paper investigates the effct of two diffrent types of moving sands “A” and “B” from Libya on the performance and safety of the solar reflctors. Samples are collected from areas that are suitable for installing CSP plants. Thy are in diffrent particle sizes and chemical compositions: sand “A” with size ranges between 0.025-0.355 mm, and “B” is within 0.124-0.479 mm. Th
experiment outcome using sand blasting indicated that sand “A” has more inflence than sand “B” as the small particles of “A” spread over a large area of the reflctor. It is also noticed in the range studied that the speed variation effct has more impact than the mass quantity changing. For clean surfaces, the reflctivity is dropped by 2.2%, and the damaged surfaces increased about 1 mm in case of 0.5 g mass at 27 m/s storm speed. For 2g mass at 21 m/s storm speed, the roughness is found 3 mm.
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