Vibration Control of Tapering E-FGM Porous Wind Turbine Blades Using Piezoelectric Materials
Active vibration control, piezoelectricity, tapered beam, FGM porous materials, turbine blade.Abstract
Piezoelectric materials have many interesting applications thanks to their ability to generate an electrical voltage when subjected to mechanical pressure, and vice versa. In the field of vibration energy recovery, these materials can convert mechanical vibrations into electrical energy. For example, piezoelectric sensors integrated into roads or pavements can generate electricity from vibrations caused by vehicles or pedestrians. In the field of wind turbines, the vibratory control of wind turbine blades can increase the overall efficiency of these systems. Additionally, composite materials are being increasingly integrated into the construction of mechanical systems, and specifically FGM materials. This work focuses on the active vibration control of FGM beams with non-uniform cross-sections, using piezoelectric materials. Euler-Bernoulli beam theory combined with the FEM is applied to an FGM beam. The equation of motion is generated using Hamilton's principle.
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