A Hybrid of Meta-Heuristic Techniques Based on Cuckoo Search and Particle Swarm Optimizations for Solar PV Systems Subjected to Partially Shaded Conditions
https://doi.org/10.51646/jsesd.v13i1.178الكلمات المفتاحية:
Cuckoo search (CS)، particle swarm optimization (PSO)، partial shading conditions (PSC).الملخص
Solar energy has a significant role in meeting rising energy demand while reducing environmental impact. Solar radiation and temperature are important factors on which PV energy production depends, but its optimal operation point is influenced by variations in the aforementioned environmental factors. The nonlinear behavior of the solar system and the variable nature of environmental conditions make determining the optimal operation point difficult. To overcome these difficulties, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) finding techniques are used to extract the optimal power from the photovoltaic energy system. The behavior of MPPT varies for different weather conditions, such as partial shading conditions (PSC), and uniform irradiance conditions. Conventional techniques are simple, quick, and efficient for tracing the MPP quickly, but they are limited to uniform weather conditions. In addition, these techniques don't achieve the Global Maxima (GM) and mostly stay stuck at the Local Maxima (LM). The Meta-Heuristic techniques aid in finding the GM, but their primary disadvantage is that they take a longer time to trace the Global Maxima. This study addresses the problem by combining Cuckoo Search (CS) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms, leading to a hybrid (CSPSO) technique to extract the global maximum (GM). To verify the effectiveness of the suggested technique, its performance is examined under three different irradiance patterns for different PV array configurations (such as 3S and 4S3P) through MATLAB simulation. The outcomes of CSPSO are compared with the prior well-known Meta-Heuristic techniques such as Cuckoo Search (CS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Crow Search Algorithm (CSA). The results show the suggested technique excels over other techniques in terms of accuracy, tracking efficiency, and tracking speed. The suggested technique is capable of tracking GMPP with an average efficiency of 99.925% and an average tracking time of 0.13 s in all shading patterns studied.
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