Performance Enhancement of Microgrid Systems Using Backstepping Control for Grid Side Converter and MPPT Optimization


  • Mustafa Aslan Department of Electrical Drives, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Aleppo, Syria.
  • Benameur Afif Faculty of Science and Technology, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara 29000, Algeria.
  • Mohamed Salmi Department of Physics, University of M’sila, M’sila, Algeria.
  • Boualem Merabet Institute of Electrical Engineering, Salhi Ahmed University Center, Naama, Algeria.
  • Mohammed Berka Faculty of Science and Technology, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara 29000, Algeria.
  • Salah Masoud Zawia University, Faculty of Science, Al-Ajailat, Libya.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Backstepping controller، Microgrid Performance، Photovoltaic (PV) systems، Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)، Voltage Oriented Control (VOC).


Microgrid networks represent a crucial model in the field of power transmission and distribution, integrating renewable energy sources with modern control technologies. This research focuses on enhancing the performance of a microgrid system connected to the main grid through a three-phase converter controlled using Voltage Oriented Control (VOC). The microgrid comprises a storage element and a photovoltaic (PV) generation system. To improve system efficiency and power quality, backstepping (BS) controllers are implemented and compared with traditional control methods. Three control systems are evaluated: a conventional system using Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers for grid-side converter (GSC) control, a hybrid system with BS-modified P&O (BS-P&O) for MPPT and PI controllers for GSC, and an advanced system employing BS-P&O for MPPT and BS controllers for GSC. The research demonstrates that BS controllers exhibit superior dynamic performance, contributing to improved regulation of DC-link voltage, active and reactive powers. Additionally, they achieve lower Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) values and increase the overall efficiency of the PV system. The proposed advanced control strategy shows particular effectiveness in tracking speed, disturbance rejection, and power quality enhancement. This study underscores the potential of nonlinear control techniques in optimizing microgrid operations and facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources into the main grid.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Aslan, M., Afif , B., Salmi, M., Merabet , B., Berka , M., & Masoud , S. . (2024). Performance Enhancement of Microgrid Systems Using Backstepping Control for Grid Side Converter and MPPT Optimization. Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Journal, 14(1), 19–41.


