Impact of Soiling on Performance and Cleaning Optimization of a 2.5 MWp Solar PV Plant in Pune, India


  • kartik Kapoor Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India
  • Eswaramoorthy Muthusamy School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.
  • Nikhil P.G Technical Research Division, National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram.
  • Ravi Kumar Goyal School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.



Performance ratio, soiling ratio, power loss percentage, cleaning frequency, cost of cleaning solar PV


The soiling pattern of PV plants needs to be studied for the proper utilization of solar energy as it creates a partial blockage of radiation and hence reduces power generation. The pattern of soil deposition varies from one location to another location. A large number of studies were carried out for a dry season to measure per day soiling rate. This research article investigates  soiling pattern of a varied weather location i.e., Pune, India. Ambient temperature is less with high chances of precipitation and wind speed as compared with other locations of India. To measure the change in performance of PV plant around the year, a 2.5-MWp grid-tied PV plant having the location coordinates 18.52°N 73.85 °E was investigated. Various performance parameters i.e., Voc and Isc change with temperature, performance ratio, soiling ratio, and soiling loss percentage are evaluated. The results indicate that prediction of the exact value of the soiling rate is not possible due to seasonal variation. An average monthly soiling rate of 10.28 % is estimated based on observed data for the dry season. The cleaning activity is suggested on and after the 8th or 18th day with water or mechanical cleaning with water for avoiding financial losses to the college. Further, a micro-texture sheet can be laminated over the PV module with proper earthing to minimize the static charge formation for reducing the collection of dust.


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How to Cite

kartik Kapoor, Muthusamy, E., P.G, N. ., & Kumar Goyal, R. (2025). Impact of Soiling on Performance and Cleaning Optimization of a 2.5 MWp Solar PV Plant in Pune, India. Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Journal, 14(1), 141–156.


