Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Energy Developing Technologies in Libyan Residential Communities


  • Salamah O. Ihfedah Higher Institute of Science and Technology, Tamzawa – Al shati, Libya.
  • Mohammed A. Al-Madani Faculty of Engineering, University of Sebha, Sebha, Libya.
  • Salah A. Gnefid Natural Resources Faculty, Al-Jufrah University -Soknah-Libya.



Solar Energy, Electrical Grid Network, Photovoltaic System (PV), HOMER Software, MATLAB Simulink Software


These days, renewable energy is becoming increasingly vital. Renewable energy sources that are widely used include biomass, geothermal, wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Because solar energy is sustainable, inexpensive to operate, and emits fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, it has displaced them. The peak demand of Libya's inadequate public electrical network, which typically happens at midday, is one of the biggest issues. This problem is more prevalent in the summer, when heat waves, higher electrical loads (overload), and decreased energy plant efficiency cause voltage decreases. It is essential to address Libya's high radiation levels around midday in order to solve this issue. It can also be helpful to research and suggest ways to integrate solar energy systems in Libyan residential communities while designing and evaluating the techno-economic implications of doing so. This study assesses the techno-economic viability of the suggested solar system, design a plan for integrating solar energy into Libyan residential areas to support the electrical grid network, and maximize the installation of supported solar systems in residential communities. Both MATLAB/Simulink and HOMER were used in the simulation process. The obtained results demonstrated Libya's residential communities' successful incorporation of solar energy systems. Three electrical loads display net present value, and the work is important for analyzing the discount payback of the three loads. In contrast to low and medium load, big system high load completion is more practical in terms of a fast payback period and will result in a financial cost return in 6.2 years. Therefore, solar energy particularly photovoltaic energy has the potential to be a very practical solution for Libya's power interruptions and oscillations.


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How to Cite

Ihfedah, S., Al-Madani, M., & Gnefid , S. (2025). Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Energy Developing Technologies in Libyan Residential Communities . Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Journal, 14(FICTS-2024), 137–164.


