Hybrid System Modeling for Renewable Energy Sources
simulation, optimization, hybrid system, solar energy, wind energyAbstract
The main goal of this study is to design optimize and design a hybrid wind/PV solar power system to provide the premises of the Libyan Center for Solar Energy Research Center (LCSERS) with the required energy and investigates its technical and economic feasibility. HOMER simulation program is used to design the off-grid and assess the feasible solution and economic cost. The power systems are optimized based on the electricity load, climatic data sources, the economics of the power components, and other parameters in which the total Net Present Cost (NPC) must be minimized to select an economically feasible power system. Moreover, other parameters like a renewable fraction, capacity shortage, Cost of Energy (COE), and excess electricity, were also considered to check the technical capability. Sensitivity analysis of the most influential variables has been considered in four scenarios of capacity shortage. In the off-grid hybrid system, the best option is the fourth scenario, where the capacity shortage is 5% of the 60,385.6 kWh/yr electric load, peaking at 43.45 kw, because the lowest COE is 0.222 $ and the NPC is 168,173 $. The system consists of a 20 kW PV, one turbine of 25 kW, and 72 Hoppecke batteries of 1500.Ah each. The annual share of wind energy was 77%, and solar energy was 22.9%. The estimated excess of electricity was 58.3%.
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