Feasibility Study of Zero Energy Houses: Case Study of Magrun City - Libya
zero energy houses , renewable energy , wind energy , modeling energy systems , HOMER softwareAbstract
The residential load is one of the largest consumers of the electric energy in Libya that could be supplied by renewable energies. Renewable energy technologies and systems can be a good solution to build “Zero Energy Buildings”. A zero-energy house is proposed for Maqrun city. It is intended to use wind turbine with batteries as a storage system to supply electric energy demand for this house. The intended house average daily electric energy demand is estimated to be 35 kWh/day. Two WECS were selected to supply the energy demand each of size 6 kW. Th energy produced by the selected wind energy conversion system (WECS) is about 23,894 kWh/yr and the expected capacity factor at the site is about 23%. Modeling of energy demand of the house and simulation of its performance was performed using excel sheets and HOMER softare.
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